Emergency services will get to you on time

We minimize the time it takes for the rescue vehicles to reach you. We can turn on the green light at all intersections to an emergency service vehicles and shorten travel times in your region, city or municipality the same way we do in Brno.


intersections equipped

1-3 minutes

saved on arrival

1 500 m

ITS-G5 communication range

Emergency vehicles priority

Passing the traffic light to the red light with the beacons on is a risky maneuver, and we can enable emergency vehicles to pass safely through the intersection using technology already today. If the emergency vehicle is approaching an intersection, it sends a request for priority passage. The intersection receives the message and passes the request to the traffic light controller. After its processing, the controller sets the "free" signal for the direction of arrival of the vehicle and sets the "stop" signal on all other access roads of the intersection to prevent the emergency vehicle from colliding with vehicles from other directions. By giving the green light to the whole arm of the intersection, we allow all drivers to clear the space and create a corridor for rescuers. After the passage, the signal plan is returned to normal operation.

Key benefits

  • Increased safety and lowering the risk of accidents
  • Increased safety of rescuers
  • Reduction of travel times for rescuers


Information about rescue works in progress

In situations when the integrated rescue system is intervening, for example in the event of an accident, stationary rescue vehicles can send a warning of an ongoing intervention to all surrounding drivers via the OBU. The drivers then adapts to the situation.

Key benefits

  • Increased safety of intervening rescuers
  • Increased safety of rescued persons
  • Reduced number of subsequent accidents nearby
  • Increased driving comfort and drivers' sense of security



Free way for emergency services

We all have already experienced a situation where we heard the sound of an approaching siren from behind the wheel and did not know where the rescuers were coming from or where to turn. The Emergency Vehicle Approaching (EVA) service is based on direct communication between vehicles (V2V) and uses modern C-ITS technology to warn surrounding drivers about an approaching reascue vehicle. Emergency services only need to turn on the beacon and the on-board (OBU) unit continuously sends alerts to all surrounding drivers about its position, direction and speed directly to vehicles and to the C-ITS Backoffice, which passes information to mobile applications and variable traffic signs and portals.

We optimize the routes of rescue vehicles

In order for the rescue vehicles to arrive on time, the green light at traffic lights or warnings to surrounding drivers may not be enough. To save additional valuable seconds during the rescue operation, we analyze and use comprehensive traffic data. We recommend to rescue drivers the most suitable route based on many factors such as parameters of vehicles assigned to the intervention, historical data on the planned route, current capacity of individual sections of the route, traffic density, usual traffic at a given time or prediction of traffic situation on the route based on expected time of arrival. The data and algorithms help us to recommend the optimal route and its variants so that rescuers can get to the scene as quickly as possible.